District Profile


The Buldana district of Western Vidarbha Zone of Maharashtra State is located between 190, 51” to 210, 17” of North Latitude while 750, 57” to 760, 49” of Eastern Longitude and situated 305 m above mean sea level.. It is surrounded by Akola and Washim districts in the East, Jalgaon districts in the West, Parbhani and Jalna districts in the South and Nimad district of Madhya Pradesh in the North.

             Cotton and Soybean are the major cash crops grown in all the 13 Tehsils of the district. The district has only 9% irrigation potential and hence cotton is predominantly grown under rainfed conditions. The district comes under assured rainfall area of VIIth Agro climatic Zone with average annual rainfall of 712.9 mm (52 rainy days) mostly received during June to September months from the south west monsoon rains.

            The soils of the district are 37% light (7.5 – 25 cm i.e. Entisol), 36% medium (26-50 cm i.e. Inceptisol) and 27% black cotton soils (51 – 100 cm i.e. Vertisol).

North Latitude (degrees)              :19.51 to 21.17
East Longitude (degrees):75.57 to 76.59
Total Geographical area (ha)          :967099
Sub – Divisional Offices     :05   
Panchayat Samiti:13  
Total  :867
Inhabited                                          :1299
Minimum Temperature (0C)                           :8.3
Maximum Temperature (0C):41.6
Average Rainfall (mm):712.9
Rural population                            :17.59 lakh
Urban population                           :04. 73 lakh  
Total population                             :22.32 lakh
S.C. population                                :02.41 lakh
S.T. population                    :01.15 lakh
Male                                      :11.47 lakh
Female                                              :10.85 lakh
Sex ratio                                                  :945
Density of population                                       :230
Geographical Area                          :967099 ha
Area Under Forest                          :76600 ha
Barren and uncultivable land                  :23487 ha
Land put to non-agricultural uses           :62400 ha
Cultivatable waste                          :16400 ha
Permanent pastures and other grazing:27200 ha
Land under Miscellaneous tree crop      :4700 ha
Current follows                               :33100 ha
Other fallows                                               :13400 ha
Net area sown                                 :753600 ha
Gross cropped area                         :735100
No of irrigated Wells                     :48585
Area Irrigated by different sources(ha) /Surface Irrigation(ha)                 :9538
Wells & other Irrigation(ha)                    :58588
Total                         :68126
Average rainfall (mm):805.5 mm (52 rainy days)
Rainfall during 2018-19    :693 mm (34 rainy days)


 Land Holding Pattern

There are 2.81 lakh landholders covering an area of 7.21 lakh hectares of land in district. The Percentage of Landholders holding land below 2 hectares is 56% while 4% are big landholders holding land above 10 hectors. The classification of landholders with area and percentage holding is given in the following table

Sr. No.DescriptionsSize of holding (ha)No. of holders%Area (ha)%
3Semi medium2-58892431.5827244037.81
5Large10 above61082.178474711.75
 Total 281534100720733100


            The district Buldana falls under Agro-climatic Zone No. 7 i.e. Assured Rainfall Zone. The Average rainfall received in this Zone usually exceeds 700 m. m. The climate is hot and dry. More than 75% rainfall in this zone is received in Kharif season, hence Kharif cropping system Predominates in the zone. In general, all types of soils are observed in this zone. Preferably, medium and heavy in texture, fairly high in clay content, alkaline in reaction, high lime reserve with high base saturation of the exchange complex. The soils are severely eroded & shallow. They are uneven in depth and are uncertain by stony substrata. They are intercepted by gullies having rapid run off resulting in severe erosion & prone to drought.

Agro Ecological Situations (AES) Of Buldana District

Agro Ecological SituationsCharacteristicsBlocks Covered
IMedium to heavy soils, rainfed area,Hilly topographySangrampur,Jalgaon Jamod
IIPlain topography with saline soils,  well irrigationMalkapur, Nandura, Shegaon, Khamgaon
IIIMedium to shallow soils, Hilly topography, Surrounded by forest.Motala ,Buldana,Chikhali
IVMedium to shallow soils, assured rainfall, irrigation through wells, Horticulture crop pocketMehkar, Part of Khamgaon and Chikhali
VHilly and undulating topography,Medium to shallow soils , rainfed area,Lonar, Deulgaon Raja, Sindkhed Raja

Major And Micro-Farming Systems

            Soil Type in Buldana District

Heavy Black Cotton SoilMedium Black Cotton SoilLight Soil

Major Farming Situation:

Sr. No.Farming SituationCropping System exists
1Medium to heavy soils, rainfed area, Hilly topographyCotton – fallow Cotton- Summer Gr.nut Citrus – vegetable (Intercrop)
2Plain topography with saline soils,  well irrigationCotton – fallow Cotton- Summer Gr.nut Soybean – Chickpea Soybean – Wheat
3Medium to shallow soils, Hilly topography, Surrounded by forest.Soybean –Chickpea Cotton – fallow Soybean – Wheat
4Medium to shallow soils, assured rainfall, irrigation through wells, Horticulture crop pocketCotton – Fallow Soybean- Chickpea Soybean – Wheat Greengram-Rabi sorghum
5Hilly and undulating topography, Medium to shallow soils, rainfed areaCotton – fallow Soybean – Chickpea Soybean – Wheat Greengram-Rabi sorghum

Different types of intercropping system:

Sr. No.Intercropping systemRatios
1Hy. Jowar +  Pigeonpea6:2
2Pigeonpea + Greengram1:2
3Pigeonpea +Blackgram1:2
4Pigeonpea +Soybean1:5
5Pigeonpea +Sesame1:4
6Cotton + Greengram1:1
7Cotton + Soybean1:1
8Cotton + Pigeonpea4:2

Major Product

Recommended Cropping Pattern for Western Vidarbha Zone in irrigated situation

Sr. No.KharifRabiSummer
1CottonSummer Ground nut
2Chilli (Green)Summer Ground nut
3SorghumWheatGreen Gram / Cowpea
4SoybeanChickpeaSummer Ground nut

Major Agriculture and Allied Enterprises

The district economy is predominantly agro based. A number of Ginning and pressing units for cotton ,92 oil mills and 32 dal mills are working in the district Two co-operative and three private sugar industries are there in the district

The district seems to be industrially backward and there is no major industrial production unit working in the district. Though the forest and Agriculture products are available in the district as a raw material, basic industry utilizing the same is not established till now. There is one mix fertilizer unit in co-operative sector.